Why fasteners are so important in these tough times

Fasteners might not come quickly to mind when discussing essential products during this ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but in fact fasteners play a crucial role in our collective response to this crisis. Without these critical components necessary for the assembly of mechanical, electric, and electronic products of all kinds, the healthcare, food production, medical device, and transportation industries would grind to halt.

Products such as nuts and bolts, washers, cable ties/wire systems, handles and pulls, inserts and dive pins, springs, spacers and standoffs, nylon hardware products, rivets and retaining rings, sockets, self-clinching hardware products, screws, adhesives and thread-lockers are all essential components for a wide range of products and systems used in the COVID-19 fight.

Here at Electronic Fasteners we’re still working hard to keep our customers supplied with all the fastener hardware and tools necessary to help them produce the mission-critical products they need to keep their clients in essential services fully operational. It will also be vitally important that all other industries be ready for when the economy starts to open up and reengage by having access to the necessary fastener products they’ll need to become fully operational and productive once again.

Whether you’re an existing customer or a company looking for a reliable, cost-efficient, and responsive fastener supplier, we want you to know that we’re here, ready to serve you and meet your needs. If you’re working hard to produce now or preparing to jumpstart your business in the coming weeks and months, rest assured that we’re fully prepared to help you succeed and get our economy going again.