Conflict Minerals
Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, along with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission have adopted the rule into law, requiring corporations listed on the Unites States stock exchange to report the use of “Conflict Minerals” in the sourcing and manufacturing of products.
The term “conflict minerals” is used to describe the minerals cassiterite, columbite-tantalite, gold, wolframite, and/or their derivatives, including tin, tantalum, and tungsten, originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo and the specified adjoining countries in Africa, known to support human rights violations and funding to rebel warlords.
As a privately held company, we are not required to report to the SEC, however, many of our customers are required to meet this obligation. In an effort to support our customers, we are committed to get the best available information from our suppliers on all products we sell, and to openly share that information with our customers.
As of March 2015, the findings demonstrate that to the best of our knowledge, materials from our suppliers do not contain Conflict Minerals, or to the extent they might, such products are “DRC conflict free” as defined by paragraph (e) (4) of Section 1502.
We will continue to work with our suppliers to identify any potential use of Conflict Minerals in our supply chain, and ensure the representations made in this compliance statement remain accurate. To that end, we reserve the right to amend this statement at any time based on subsequent developments or information.
Click here to read the Conflict Minerals Statement Documentation